Thursday, 6 June 2024

As the mid way point of 2024 approaches, Braidwater Homes is delighted to confirm new releases at all of its developments mid to late Summer.

Throughout Northern Ireland, Braidwater Homes has a range of sites in construction and in advance of the forthcoming releases it is advisable to register your interest and speak to the relevant selling agent – see below.

Darren Farnan, marketing manager of Braidwater, confirmed the forthcoming releases and the best way to highlight your interest in reserving a new home once released:

‘’2024 has been a busy year to date for Braidwater and this is set to continue as we’ll have a range of new homes on release in the coming months in Ballyclare, Derry/Londonderry and Limavady. 

‘’Firstly though if you’re thinking of reserving one, you’ll need to register your interest as detailed below as well as speaking to the relevant selling agent for the specific development. 

‘’The selling agent will also point you in the right direction of a financial advisor, if you haven’t already spoken to one, as you’ll need proof of a new home deposit and an agreement in principle from your lender.’’

‘’You can also ask the selling agent about Braidwater’s preferred panel of solicitors which will save you at least £150 as well as reviewing our 7 step guide to purchasing a new home, which will make the process a lot smoother (click here).’’ 

‘’No matter what direction you decide to take, Braidwater Homes would like to wish you all the best in your new home journey.’’

Braidwater currently has a range of developments throughout Northern Ireland with limited availability and new releases to be confirmed in the coming months:

Beech Hill View, Derry/Londonderry:

Cloughan View, Ballyclare:

Deanery Place, Derry/Londonderry:

Roe Wood, Limavady: